I have at hand the following table (for data migration):
recvtimets | recvtime | fiwareservicepath | entityid | entitytype | attrname | attrtype | attrvalue | attrmd
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.613502,41.143994]} | []
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 59.1 | []
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | []
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | temperature | Number | 24.9 | []
1559573267088 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Rua das Flores | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Praca do Marques - pole 1 | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | temperature | Number | 21.9 | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.603802,41.161671]} | []
1559573267782 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 80.8 | []
1559573267696 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Fundacao de Serralves | []
1559573267696 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267696 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.65915,41.1591]} | []
1559573267696 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 1 | []
1559573267696 | 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | []
The first two columns depict the timestamp the application writes to the database (reading from some db). The time for which data was actually recorded however, is the dateObserved
attribute in the attrname
column and its corresponding value is that shown in attrvalue
This means the first 6 rows (having 2019-06-03T14:47:47.88Z
in the recvtime
column were recorded on 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00
(shown on attrvalue
column), i.e. dateObserved = 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00
The next 6 rows having 2019-06-03T14:47:47.782Z
in the recvtime
column were recorded on 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00
, i.e. dateObserved =2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00
Likewise, the last 6 rows having recvtime
as 2019-06-03T14:47:47.696Z
were recorded on 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00
i.e. dateObserved = 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00
The goal is to alter the contents of recvtime
column such that these values are replaced by the date recorded as contain in the attrvalue
for the respective rows.
Accordingly, the end result becomes as in following table(i.e. the final table to produce this):
recvtimets | recvtime | fiwareservicepath | entityid | entitytype | attrname | attrtype | attrvalue | attrmd
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.613502,41.143994]} | []
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 59.1 | []
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | []
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | temperature | Number | 24.9 | []
1559573267088 | 2015-09-01T10:15:57+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Rua das Flores | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Praca do Marques - pole 1 | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | temperature | Number | 21.9 | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.603802,41.161671]} | []
1559573267782 | 2015-09-01T10:16:24+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 80.8 | []
1559573267696 | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | name | Text | Fundacao de Serralves | []
1559573267696 | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | illuminance | None | null | []
1559573267696 | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | location | StructuredValue | {"coordinates":[-8.65915,41.1591]} | []
1559573267696 | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | relativeHumidity | Number | 1 | []
1559573267696 | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | /basic | 001 | WeatherObserved | dateObserved | Text | 2015-09-01T10:16:22+01:00 | []
How do I achieve this in SQL?