I ran bellowing query;


SELECT  j.jobId,
FROM    JobRequiredProducts J
JOIN    Product p
  ON    p.productId = j.productId
WHERE   j.jobId = 1
ORDER BY j.jobId

And got bellowing result;

Query result:

jobId | productId | unitPrice 
  1   |     4     |   175.99
  1   |     5     |   100.00
  1   |     6     |   125.00

Now, I want to calculate all unitPrice to get the total. the result I expect is;

Expecting result:

jobId | productId | Total
  1   |     4     |   175.99
  1   |     5     |   100.00
  1   |     6     |   125.00
 null |    null   |   400.99

Therefor bellowing is the query I tried;

Query I tried:

SELECT  j.jobId,
        SUM(p.productUnitPrice) AS 'Total'
FROM    JobRequiredProducts J
JOIN    Product p
  ON    p.productId = j.productId
WHERE   j.jobId = 1 
GROUP BY j.jobId,j.productId WITH ROLLUP

But it didn't give me the result I expected, where I went wrong and what I gotta do to get the result I expect?

1 Answer 1


You can use grouping set also

declare @JobRequiredProducts table (jobId int, productId int);
declare @Product table(productId int, productUnitPrice decimal(8,2))

insert into @JobRequiredProducts(jobId,productId)

insert into @Product(productId, productUnitPrice)
values(4,175.99),(5 ,100.00),( 6 , 125.00)

SELECT  j.jobId,
        SUM(p.productUnitPrice) AS 'Total'
FROM    @JobRequiredProducts J
JOIN    @Product p
  ON    p.productId = j.productId
WHERE   j.jobId = 1 
GROUP BY  ROLLUP ((j.jobId, j.productId));

with grouping sets

SELECT  j.jobId,
        SUM(p.productUnitPrice) AS 'Total'
FROM    @JobRequiredProducts J
JOIN    @Product p
  ON    p.productId = j.productId
WHERE   j.jobId = 1 
GROUP BY  GROUPING SETS( (j.jobId, j.productId),());


jobId   productId   Total
1       4           175.99
1       5           100.00
1       6           125.00
NULL    NULL        400.99

dbfiddle here


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