What is the best place for storing binary files that are related to data in your database? Should you:
- Store in the database with a blob
- Store on the filesystem with a link in the database
- Store in the filesystem but rename to a hash of the contents and store the hash on the database
- Something I've not thought of
The advantages of (1) are (among others) that atomicity of transactions is preserved. The cost is that you might dramatically increase storage (and associated streaming/backup) requirements
The goal of (3) is to preserve atomicity to some degree - if you can enforce that the filesystem you are writing to does not allow files to be changed or deleted, and always has the correct hash as filename. The idea would be to write the file to the filesystem before permitting the insert/update referencing the hash - if this transaction fails after the filesystem write but before the database DML, that is fine because the filesystem is 'faking' being the repository of all possible files and hashes - it doesn't matter if there are some files in there that are not being pointed to (and you could clean them up periodically if you are careful)
It looks like some RDBMSs have this covered in their individual ways - I'd be interested to know how others do it - and particularly in a solution for postgres