I have a complex query (see below) which performs badly on a large database. I'm now analyzing the query by removing the joins, look at the actual plan and step by step add the joins back. I see clustered index scan with high I/O costs and a 100% CPU cost for a sort. Can this query be more optimized?
WITH currentPeriod AS
ORDER BY m.[Created] DESC) AS rowIndex
, m.[Created], m.[MessageId]
, tp.[StartDate], tp.[EndDate], tp.[IsCorrection]
FROM [TimePeriods] tp
JOIN [Messages] m on m.Id = tp.[MessageId]
SELECT [Created], [StartDate], [EndDate], [IsCorrection]
FROM CurrentPeriod cur
WHERE rowIndex = 1
I already changed the PK index on the Message table from Clustered to Non-clustered and added a Clustered index on Created.
This is the 'original' plan without the Clustered index on Created:
Here's a link to the plan of the above query: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=Hkw-4TxPB
Here's the plan of the full query: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=SyYrDplPH
Background (can be skipped)
I'm not a DBA, I'm just the guy that knows most about databases not meaning I know a lot about databases.
The tables are filled using a custom upload application. The files uploaded are XML-files. Each file is a Message and a Message can have multiple TimePeriods. The Message can also have corrected TimePeriods of earlier Messages. I'm only interested in the last updated period. That's why I use ROW_NUMBER OVER and PARTITION BY. The resulting data of the query is correct. That has been verified.
The full query:
WITH currentPeriod AS
(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ce.[ReferenceCode], tp.[StartDate], e.[Id], ep.[ContractNumber]
ORDER BY m.[Created] DESC, ep.[ContractNumber] DESC, IIF(fp.[LbTab] = N'010', 1, 0), fp.[DatAanv] DESC) AS rowIndex
, ce.[ReferenceCode], ce.[Name] as [EntityName]
, e.[SocialSecurityNumber], e.[EmployeeNumber], e.[Initials], e.[Firstname], e.[Prefix], e.[Surname], e.[BirthDate]
, CAST((DATEDIFF(DAY, e.[BirthDate], ep.[HireDate]) / 365.24) as FLOAT) [AgeHired], e.[Gender], e.[PhoneNumber], e.[PhoneNumber2], e.[Email]
, TRIM(CONCAT_WS(' ', a.[Street], COALESCE(a.[Number], COALESCE(a.[NumberString], '')), COALESCE(a.[NumberExtension], ''))) [StreetLine]
, a.[ZipCode], a.[City], a.[CountryCode]
, ep.[HireDate], ep.[DepartureDate]
, f.[AantVerlU], f.[LnSv], f.[AantSV]
, fp.[IndAvrLkvOudrWn], fp.[IndAvrLkvAgWn], fp.[IndAvrLkvDgBafSb], fp.[IndAvrLkvHpAgWn], fp.[DatAanv]
, fp.[LbTab], fp.[IndWAO], fp.[IndWW], fp.[IndZW]
, tp.[StartDate], tp.[EndDate], tp.[IsCorrection]
FROM [TimePeriods] tp
JOIN [Messages] m on m.Id = tp.[MessageId]
JOIN [CorporateEntities] ce on m.[CorporateEntityId] = ce.Id
JOIN [Financials] f on f.[TimePeriodId] = tp.Id
JOIN [FinancialPeriods] fp on fp.[FinancialId] = f.Id
JOIN [EmployementPeriods] ep on ep.Id = f.[EmployementPeriodId]
JOIN [Employees] e on e.Id = ep.[EmployeeId]
JOIN [Addresses] a on a.Id = e.Id
FROM [dbo].[Withdrawals] w
JOIN [dbo].[TimePeriods] tp2 ON tp2.Id = w.[TimePeriodId]
JOIN [dbo].[Messages] m2 ON m2.id = tp2.MessageId AND m2.[CorporateEntityId] = m.[CorporateEntityId]
WHERE w.SofiNr is not null AND w.SofiNr = e.[SocialSecurityNumber] AND tp2.StartDate = tp.[StartDate]
AND w.[NumIv] = ep.[ContractNumber] AND m2.[Created] > m.[Created] AND CONVERT(date, m.[Created]) <= CONVERT(date,@messageDate))
AND CONVERT(date, tp.StartDate) >= CONVERT(date, @date26Param)
AND CONVERT(date, tp.EndDate) <= CONVERT(date, @endDate) AND CONVERT(date, m.[Created]) <= CONVERT(date, @messageDate))
FROM CurrentPeriod cur
WHERE rowIndex = 1 AND [AantVerlU] > 0 AND [LbTab] != N'010'
AND (SELECT count(1)
FROM CurrentPeriod cur2
WHERE cur2.[StartDate] > DATEADD(week, -26, cur.[StartDate]) AND cur2.[StartDate] < cur.[StartDate]
AND COALESCE(cur2.[SocialSecurityNumber], LEFT(cur2.[ReferenceCode], 9) + '-' + cur2.[EmployeeNumber]) = COALESCE(cur.[SocialSecurityNumber], LEFT(cur.[ReferenceCode], 9) + '-' + cur.Employeenumber)
AND cur2.[AantVerlU] > 0 AND cur2.[LbTab] != N'010') = 0
AND StartDate >= @startDate
ORDER BY [SocialSecurityNumber], [StartDate];