When I export a database in MySQL, it gives me a .sql file. Let's say this .sql file is 80 MB.

Are they compressed in order to reduce disk space usage?

Is that 80MB real physical-storage size?

  • The size in the database might actually be a lot higher because of indexes defined on the tables. The SQL only contains the index definition. The database stores the actual index data. Depending on the table/index size, this could mean that the database is a lot bigger than the 80mb
    – user1822
    Commented Sep 26, 2012 at 8:57

1 Answer 1


It depends on how you export your database:

if you use mysqldump, then the result is a flat text file containing the sql commands.

you can compress it manually or in one commandline like this:

mysqldump < mysqldump options> | gzip > outputfile.sql.gz

see: http://www.ducea.com/2006/10/28/compressing-mysqldump-output/

if your question is, if the tables are stored compressed in the working directory, there are some possibilities:

if you have MyISAM tables that would work if they are read-only, you can Generate Compressed, Read-Only MyISAM Tables with myisampack

And by setting InnoDB configuration options, you can create tables where the data is stored in compressed form.

see: dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-compression.html

just alter the table to add the compressed option:


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