I am a software developer by trade, but sometimes have to put on my 'dba' hat in the absence of a true dba.
I am working on a project where:
- SQL Version is SQL Server 2008 R2 (no SP installed).
- They have 32GB of RAM, but 28,672MB is the max server memory allowed.
- The primary usage of the database is hosting the db for an account / business management system called 'Aderant'.
- I have added SQL Reporting Services
- I built a few Reports with Report Builder to report on AR and open invoices,
- I am experiencing performance issues for larger data sets including CPU spikes to 100%, some reports do not return at all.
Do I need to request more RAM on this server for the additional overhead of running Reporting Services?
Couldn't find anything specific to this on the MS Docs site, searching for "SQL Server Handware and Software Requirements".