The schema

I'm using MySQL Consider a table with columns

  1. id uuid
  2. type char
  3. is_active Boolean

Here are some facts about the data in this table

  1. type is either 'A' or 'B'
  2. There will be a maximum of 2 records for any id, one for each type
  3. A record with type 'A' will exist for all IDs. A record with type 'B' is optional. That is to say, there will be a minimum of one record for any id, with type 'A'

The scenario

A user can select one or both the types to apply a filter. For example, a user might select type 'A' and filter based on is_active true. Or they might select type 'A' with is_active true AND type 'B' with is_active false.

Our task is to count the number of records which satisfies the is_active condition for selected types. Here are some scenarios better explanation

  1. If user selects type 'A' and is_active true, count should include all IDs where (type is 'A' and is_active is true) or (type is 'B', regardless of is_active)
  2. If user selects type 'A' with is_active true and type 'B' with is_active false, count should include all IDs where (type is 'A' and is_active is true) or (type is 'B' and is_active is false)

If user restricts is_active for type 'B', IDs without type 'B' should not be included.

If user restricts is_active for type 'A', IDs without type 'B' should be included.

The question

Can this be achieved without using stored procedures? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • What database? Oracle? SQL Server? homework question? Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 23:15
  • 1
    Database is MySQL. And no, this isn't homework.😅 Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 4:30

1 Answer 1


As an example

SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM      datatable a
LEFT JOIN datatable b ON  a.id   = b.id 
                      AND b.type = 'B'
WHERE a.type = 'A'
  AND (CASE @filterA
       WHEN 'A active'     THEN a.is_active 
       WHEN 'A not active' THEN NOT a.is_active
       ELSE 1              -- A is any
  AND (CASE @filterB
       WHEN 'B active'     THEN b.is_active 
       WHEN 'B not active' THEN NOT b.is_active
       WHEN 'B absent'     THEN b.id IS NULL
       ELSE 1              -- B is any

@filterA and @filterB are variables/literals with user filters choices inserted/transferred into the query as a parameter or literally (edit WHEN conditional values for to match).

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