Suppose the following scenario ... I have two tables (A, B) that inherit from a Z table, the SGBD is postgresql, these tables do not have an additional column, my question is how to pass a row from table A to table B that have the same inheritance.
The Table Z has a state column, with that column i decide which is the destiny of the data that has been inserted, this with a trigge, when execute a insert query the triger is activate and with condition is redirecte to child tables.
Now, if the state change, how can i pass to table A to table B.??
supose state is a varchar data type and the value is 'A' go to table A and if the value is 'B' go to table B, the constranint in the tables is something like that... table A constraint.. CONSTRAINT only_A CHECK (state = 'A') table B constraint.. CONSTRAINT only_A CHECK (state = 'B')
| pk |
| col1 |
| col2 |
| col3 |
| state |
_______________ ________________
|___A_TABLE____| |____B_TABLE____|
|______________| |_______________|
i need to delete and reinsert in the other table or only with chage the value of state column ???
something more hard is... the table Z has a many relation with another tables...