I know it's a quite generic question and probably opinionated. I don't know where to ask. Maybe you could point me to the right direction.
Currently I have a very big 'configurator', 10 steps long, online form, with 'substeps'. It is for client asking quotes for custom screwdrivers components applications (called 'auto-feed tightening modules'). Say about 50 fields/props per-submission/record.
WHen compiling the form, the user can:
Add as many 'screws' he wants (each screw described by some subfields)
Add as many 'components' he wants(each component described by some subfields) > and for each component, say what (above) screws it is related to
So when the form is submitted, we have a record composed like this:
- a lot of 'shared' fields
- some 'screw' fields group
- some 'components' fields group
- and screw and components must be somewhat associated (each component can have 1 or more screw)
All of this should be saved in a database.
Now, since:
we don't know how many screws and components will be added in a single submission
each screw and component has it's own set of fields (duplicated)
I cannot save each submission in one single row/record.
So, how to? Considering that then I'll need to show up the data somewhere else.
In the end, the real question: how should I design my db tables?