I have to take an unencrypted full backup of a database so that it can be sent over to other team after which they can restore it in their own environment. The other team has a different environment and a different SQL Server certificate.
My server setting for a full backup is taking an AES 128
encrypted backup. And I don't intend to share the decryption key and certificate with the other team. My version of SQL Server is Standard 2014 SP2.
I have seen encrypting the backup but this is something I haven't come across yet. Has anybody encountered this type of scenario before. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
In my case, all SQL server database backups are encrypted using a self signed certificate. This certificate is installed on all servers so only a single certificate needs to be managed. In the event the certificate expires it will need to be renewed as backups will not run with an expired certificate. Additionally, it is required to have the certificate and private key loaded to restore backups created with the key pair.
It was this certificate and private key which I do not intend to share with the other team. Hence, require a copy-only full backup that can bypass the certificate encryption. Is there any way, I can get through the above scenario by creating a backup which doesn't require certificate and private key to be loaded.
Adding the output of the query as asked by learning-dbadmin -