We have a stored procedure where we are getting the list of customer IDs. Within that procedure, we have a filter condition for Date. When we use hard-coded date there the query performance becomes much much better than when we use a "date parameter":
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_GetCustomers]
@StartDate DATE,
@ProductCode VARCHAR(20) = NULL
Select DISTINCT c.CustomerId
From Custmer c
INNER Join [Order] o On c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId
WHERE o.ProductCode = @ProductCode AND
-- Filter# 1: Below hard coded date results better performance
o.date_inserted >= '2019-06-01'
-- Filter# 2: Below dynamic date (variable) kills the performance
o.date_inserted >= @StartDate
In above query, see Filter# 1 and Filter#2
If we enable Filter# 1, it works great. But if we enable filter# 2 it kills the performance.
Any idea what could be the reason?