I have a database with 4 tables. These 4 tables hold users, their relations with each other (users following other users), the posts they make and the likes they receive. I have simplified the tables for better understanding.
// table: users
| user_id | username | timestamp_joined | tokens |
// table: followers
| follower_id | user_id | following_user_id |
// table: posts
| post_id | user_id | timestamp_posted |
// table: post_likes
| post_like_id | post_id | user_id |
Now, I want to do a full text search combined with a keyset pagination. I've managed to create a query for the full text search, but I fail at modifying that query for keyset pagination.
What I want
I want to search for users, but I don't want to rank them on user_id. I want to rank them on 3 things, listed below, in that order.
1) First, I want to rank them on ts_rank(tokens, plainto_tsquery('search query'))
. The better there is a match between tokens (a column containing a to_tsvector object) and the search query, the higher the user should appear in the search results.
2) Secondly, I want to rank them on popularity. When 2 users have the same level of match on a search query, I want the most popular user to appear first. I have created a small equation to calculate the popularity. I know it's not a good equation, but for now (and for testing), it works. I will think about a better equation when it all works.
// equation parameters
d = # days user exists
f = # followers for a user
p = # posts made by a user in the last 5 days
l = total # likes on the posts made by the user in the last 5 days
// equation
(0.25 * d * (0.25 * f)) + (0.001 * d) + SQRT((f/d)) + ((0.1 * p) * (l/p))
3) When users still have the same level of match on a search query AND the same popularity, I want the oldest users to appear first (ORDER BY user_id ASC
First attempt of creating a query (no keyset pagination yet)
The query to do all this is very extended, and I'm not sure about the performance when the number of rows increase.
ts_rank(tokens, plainto_tsquery('search query')) AS search_rank,
(0.25 * (SELECT EXTRACT('day' FROM date_trunc('day', NOW() - timestamp_joined::date))) * (0.25 * ((SELECT COUNT(follower_id) FROM followers WHERE following_user_id = user_id)))
(0.001 * (SELECT EXTRACT('day' FROM date_trunc('day', NOW() - timestamp_joined::date))))
(SQRT(((SELECT COUNT(follower_id) FROM followers WHERE following_user_id = user_id)/(SELECT EXTRACT('day' FROM date_trunc('day', NOW() - timestamp_joined::date)))))
((0.1 * (SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM posts WHERE user_id = user_id AND timestamp_posted > NOW() - INTERVAL '5 DAY')) * ((SELECT COUNT(post_like_id) FROM post_likes WHERE post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM posts WHERE user_id = user_id))/(SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM posts WHERE user_id = user_id AND timestamp_posted > NOW() - INTERVAL '5 DAY')))
) AS popularity_rank
search_rank DESC,
popularity_rank DESC,
user_id ASC
As you can see, this is a complicated query (especially with the equation), with 9 SELECT statements in it. But the query works.
My questions
1) First of all, I want to know something about the performance of this query. I'm a beginner, and I really don't know how the PostgreSQL works in the back. 9 SELECT-statements in 1 query, to me, it seems a lot. Will the performance drop when the database hits, let's say, +1,000,000 records in each table? Will adding indexes to the tables help?
2) Secondly, I want to know how I can add a keyset pagination to this query.
I know it's a lot, but I wanted to make one question to get a better overview.
Thanks in advance!