I can't find exact answer on my question. When i right click on any database in SSMS, i see "Space available parameter". Is this free space in mdf file only or it include transaction log file too (free space in mdf + ldf files together)? Thanks
I asked because ... I have a table (size about 450GB with 5 millions rows) with LOB data. Application support delivered this script to delete some rows (should delete about 300K rows).
declare @cnt int;
declare @cnt_total int = 0;
set nocount off
while 1 = 1
delete top(5000) -- PARAM BATCH_SIZE
from fw.fw_o_clob
where DT_TEC_CREATED < '2019-01-01T00:00:00.0000000'
set @cnt = @@ROWCOUNT;
set @cnt_total += @cnt;
if @cnt = 0
print concat('Total ', @cnt_total, ' rows deleted.');
But when we run this, "Size DB" started growing (info from properties) - this is OK, because transaction log started growing but what is interesting "Space available" was getting smaller and smaller so we canceled it. Can someone explain me why? Thanks