Getting the backup of all SSRS databases including compressing and encrypting can be straight forward.

However, when planning a complete solution for SQL Server Reporting services backup, following the link below can be more demanding.

Backup and Restore Operations for Reporting Services

Among other things, including the encryption keys, master keys, Backing Up the Configuration Files

Reporting Services uses configuration files to store application settings. 
You should back up the files when you first configure the server and after you deploy any custom extensions. 

Files to back up include:
  1. Rsreportserver.config
  2. Rssrvpolicy.config
  3. Rsmgrpolicy.config
  4. Reportingservicesservice.exe.config
  5. Web.config for the Report Server ASP.NET application
  6. Machine.config for ASP.NET


I have just installed SQL Server Reporting Services, migrated all databases and reports, including all folder permissions, from a previous server (sql server 2008),and all is working fine.

However, on the backup strategy, I cannot find some of the .config files that are required to backup. The file that is missing is Rsmgrpolicy.config

Why is this file missing?

# PowerShell script to list the DLL files under the system32 folder
$Dir = get-childitem "C:\Program Files\" -recurse
# $Dir |get-member
$List = $Dir | where {$_.extension -eq ".config" -and $_.name -like "*rs*"}
$List | format-table Directory, name

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Everything is working fine, including the encryption and all the security, so as the file is not there, I will not need to include it on my backups.

this link below shows where all the configuration files should be:

Reporting Services Configuration Files

Install Paths C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSxx.MSSQLSERVER (where xx is the MS SQL version number)
or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS
depending on the SSRS version

There it also explains the role of the RSMgrPolicy.config file.

Stores the code access security policies for the web portal. For more information about this file, see
Using Reporting Services Security Policy Files.

Looking at this second link, that explains the Security policy, I understood that the file RSMgrPolicy.config was not needed in my setup. It was not clear in the first documentation but all is good now.

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