EDIT: docker image for testing with the same data (obfuscated)
$ docker run --rm --name pg -d homer5439/pgagg
$ docker exec -ti pg bash
# createdb -U postgres test; zcat /tmp/corr.sql.gz | psql -U postgres test
# psql -U postgres test
and you can run the examples below.
I was wondering why the following query takes more than 30 seconds on postgresql 12.2:
array_agg(corr) AS corr
GROUP BY contract_id;
More info: the corr
table has about 150000 records. Each record has the following structure:
gse=# \d corr ;
Table "public.corr"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
corr_id | integer | | not null | nextval('corr_corr_id_seq'::regclass)
contract_id | integer | | |
start_date | date | | |
corr_type | text | | |
descr | text | | |
credit | numeric | | |
detail | text | | |
"corr_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_id)
"corr_contract_id_idx" btree (contract_id)
The detail
field contains text up to 2/3 MB in length (about 10% of the records have detail that long; the others have some (~10-20) kilobytes).
The number of distinct contract_id
values is currently 2317.
Following other suggestions found on this site, I've tried changing the value of work_mem
up to 10GB without noticeable changes.
Here's the query plan:
HashAggregate (cost=9883.29..9911.57 rows=2263 width=36) (actual time=1184.971..1357.309 rows=2317 loops=1)
Output: contract_id, array_agg(corr.*)
Group Key: corr.contract_id
Buffers: shared hit=78012 read=49899
-> Seq Scan on public.corr (cost=0.00..9320.19 rows=112619 width=571 (actual time=0.057..959.359 rows=112619 loops=1)
Output: contract_id, corr.*
Buffers: shared hit=78012 read=49899
Planning Time: 0.131 ms
Execution Time: 1357.747 ms