I'm trying to update 2 rows at once, I want to:

1) Set coupon.start (datetime) to the original account.vipExpires (datetime)

2) Add coupon.days (int) to account.vipExpires (datetime)

3) Set coupon.end (datetime) to the new value of account.vipExpires after coupon.days have been added

UPDATE accounts a, coupons c
SET c.start = a.vipExpires,
    a.vipExpires =  DATE_ADD(a.vipExpires, INTERVAL c.days DAY),
    c.end = a.vipExpires
WHERE a.id = 1 AND c.id = 1;

The result I'm getting is:

c.start, a.vipExpires, c.end ALL end up as the new datetime with the added days.

How do I make c.start be equal to the original a.vipExpires value?

I originally thought the SET operations would execute in the order specified, it seems I was wrong.

1 Answer 1



UPDATE coupons c, accounts a
SET c.start = a.vipExpires,
    c.end = DATE_ADD(a.vipExpires, INTERVAL c.days DAY),
    a.vipExpires = c.end
WHERE a.id = 1 AND c.id = 1;
  • Worked brilliantly, thanks! Still wonder why how SET precedence works though, or what was going on there.
    – Smeagel
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 20:10
  • @Smeagel the tables are updated in the order they're mentioned in UPDATE clause.
    – Akina
    Commented May 10, 2020 at 17:06

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