I wanted to add a duplicate record by basing on the count from another table

For example:

In table #1, I have the following records:

| first_name | last_name | Role       |
| John       | Smith     | Dev        |
| Jane       | Doe       | Tester     |
| Rock       | Lee       | Dev        |

And in table #2, I have the following records.

| first_name | last_name | 
| John       | Smith     |
| John       | Smith     |
| Jane       | Doe       |
| Jane       | Doe       |
| Rock       | Lee       |

And since there 2 records for John Smith and Jane Doe in table #2, my expected output for table #1 is like this:

| first_name | last_name | Role       |
| John       | Smith     | Dev        |
| John       | Smith     | Dev        |
| Jane       | Doe       | Tester     |
| Jane       | Doe       | Tester     |
| Rock       | Lee       | Dev        |

1 Answer 1


You could JOIN the tables eg

select T1.first_name, T1.last_name, T1.role
from table#1 T1
  join table#2 T2
    on T1.first_name = T2.first_name and T1.last_name = T2.last_name

-- result
|John      |Smith    |Dev   |
|John      |Smith    |Dev   |
|Jane      |Doe      |Tester|
|Jane      |Doe      |Tester|
|Rock      |Lee      |Dev   |

DBfiddle here.

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