For the past few days I've been trying to write a query for an automated process that will delete records from a log table within a specified date range (a month) to another table, so they can then be dumped to disk and the records deleted from the database. A first, naïve approach, á la
DELETE FROM <sometable>
OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO [<sometable>_{year}_{month}]
WHERE DATEPART(YEAR, [DateTime]) = {year} AND DATEPART(MONTH, [DateTime]) = {month}
of course blew up the transaction log. I then tried doing the same, but now in batches of 1m rows, as shown below
DELETE TOP (1000000) FROM <sometable>
OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO [<sometable>_{year}_{month}]
WHERE DATEPART(YEAR, [DateTime]) = {year} AND DATEPART(MONTH, [DateTime]) = {month}
but that did nothing to change the transaction log growth. Next, I tried using an explicit transaction within the loop.
DELETE TOP (1000000) FROM <sometable>
OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO [<sometable>_{year}_{month}]
WHERE DATEPART(YEAR, [DateTime]) = {year} AND DATEPART(MONTH, [DateTime]) = {month}
Again. No difference. What's worse, if I cancel this query and do a ROLLBACK to release the table, it rolls back everything. Not just the last iteration, as one would expect, but the whole thing. Why aren't the individual transactions within the loop being treated as such? Surely there must be a way to move huge amounts of rows around the database without SQL throwing a hissy fit and blowing up on its user(s)?
recovery model, the transaction log will continue to grow until the log is backed up. You'll need to either backup the log more frequently or increase the size to accommodate all the transaction activity between backups.SIMPLE
, committed log space up to the point of the oldest transaction will be reclaimed during checkpoint. This typically occurs every minute so perhaps you are exhausting the log space before the automatic checkpoint or there's a concurrently long-running transaction. You could try executing an explictCHECKPOINT
after each iteration of the second queryWHILE
loop to expedite the log truncation.