I would like to get the output of a particular Query from the postgresql server having joins of a multiple Tables with one to many relations in the json format to a particular file.
The Query output should be an actual json tree like below and not a flat join of master + child :-
Master Record 1 (master field 1, master field 2)
{ array
Child Record 1 {child field 1, child field 2, ….)
Child Record 2 { child field 1, child field 2, ….)
Master Record 2 (....)
Child Record 1
Child Record 2
Please let me know how to achieve this in the Postgresql 11.
SQL Script
CREATE TABLE public.book
pk_book_id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
isbn character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
CONSTRAINT book_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk_book_id)
CREATE TABLE public.author
pk_author_id integer NOT NULL,
fullname character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
mobileno character(10) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
fk_book_id integer,
CONSTRAINT author_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk_author_id),
CONSTRAINT author_fk_book_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (fk_book_id)
REFERENCES public.book (pk_book_id) MATCH SIMPLE
INSERT INTO public.author(
pk_author_id, fullname, mobileno, fk_book_id),
(100, 'John Matthew', '98927828', 1),
(101, 'Mark Knight', '99875528', 1),
(103, 'Lara Croft', '99872628', 2),
(104, 'Brad Show', '567982', 2)
INSERT INTO public.book(
pk_book_id, name, isbn)
VALUES (1, 'Hot Deals', 'ISBN89644'),
(2, 'Summer Tales', 'ISBN405987');