Suppose I have some table named tableA and column1 in tableA has some null values and strings.

Also suppose I had created some temporary table named tempTable that has only 1 column. And that 1 column contains null values and strings as well.

I have a statement similar to the following:

select *
from tableA
where tableA.column1 in (select * from tempTable);

However, I want it to also select the contents when tableA.column1 is null. The in operator ignores that case.

Is there a different operator that considers null?

Or is there anyway I can apply certain constraints in the where clause under true or false conditions.

Like for example in the incorrect statement below:

select *
from tableA
where (if condition1, then tableA.column1 =.... elseif condition2 then tableA.column1 =....);

2 Answers 2

SELECT tableA.*
FROM tableA
       FROM tempTable ) temp ON tableA.column1 <=> temp.column1

<=> is null-safe compare operator. It assumes that NULL is equal to NULL whereas regular comparing operator = considers them unequal.

Subquery is used for to collapse equal values in tempTable - if not then each value from tableA may be selected a lot of times.


If you want al NULL from column1, simply add a OR clöause that check if ULL

select *
from tableA
where tableA.column1 in (select column1 from tempTable) OR tableA.column1 IS NULL;
  • If tableA contains NULLs whereas tempTable does not then this query will give wrong result.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 12:38
  • @Akina As i understand the wuery, he will all rows that also are in the temptable and all NULL Rows from TableA, so i think that is a correct answer. I am not completely sure, but after work i will test the theory, your query should produce a cross join, because many NULL from tablea will be joined with NULL Values from temptable. So my query should yield the correct result.
    – nbk
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 12:58
  • As i understand the wuery, he will all rows that also are in the temptable and all NULL I see. If the rows with NULLs must be returned unconditionally then your query is correct.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 13:09
  • Sorry, maybe I should of been clear. tempTable may or may not contain null. So @Akina's solution is what I needed.
    – Tokzeras
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 22:36

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