I have a Log backup job running every hour via SQL Agent. This morning it failed at 3:00 AM with this error:
The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE.
But it ran fine at 2:00 AM. So sometime between 2 and 3, it went from FULL to SIMPLE. My response was:
- Change it back to FULL recovery
- Run the Log Backup job to make sure it would still work. All good, no data loss.
So I got to investigating the Default Trace for events about possibly WHO might have made the change between 2 and 3. I first identified the event on Step #1 above so I knew what types of events I was looking for. Unfortunately, there is no event to say, "The recovery model changed from x to y". All it has is "Object: Altered" for my login for the database in question, with rows for BEGIN and COMMIT.
Here's the issue: I found NOTHING in the default trace in the time span to indicate that anyone made a change to this database.
Question: How could this change have occurred and it NOT get recorded in the Default Trace? It certainly recorded the fact that I changed it back. Why not the first change?
Any help would be appreciated.