Is there any way to do sampling on time series data in PostgreSQL (v11) based on a fixed time interval?
For example, we are storing 1 record per second for 24 hours in a given table. This means approximately 86400 records are in the table per day.
Is there any simpler way to retrieve a data point for every 10 seconds of data? The query should return 8640 records.
Currently, I have implemented a solution using a window function. But for larger data sets it is taking too much time.
Current implementation
PARTITION BY date_trunc('minute', message_date)
ORDER BY message_date DESC
) AS r, t.*
FROM rdm.telemetry_2021_01_21 t
WHERE device_id = 'CP2'
AND message_date >= '1/21/2021 01:00:00 AM'
AND message_date <= '1/21/2021 11:00:00 PM'
) x
WHERE x.r <= 1 ORDER BY message_date DESC;
The above solution supports sampling for 1 sec, 1 min or 1 hr depending on which values is provided in the date_trunc
options. And also, this query takes too much time against a table that contains millions of records.
"Explain analysis" result
Can anyone please suggest some other option/solution? Maybe using lateral join?