A legacy application has a nightly job that repeatedly calls some store procedure using a TVP and passes in batches of 10,000 ids that are in sequential order that it needs to process. Now that the ids are in the millions, it seems that this process is taking noticeably longer. The roughly the same number of batch calls are being run each night, but from profiling it seemed that the procedure was getting slower. We checked the usual culprits, rebuilt the indices and updated stats on the tables in use and tried sticking a recompile on the procedure. But nothing fixed the regression.
The procedure does some processing and returns a few result each with a cardinality of maybe 10000 rows. One of my colleagues looked at it and fixed the performance regression by updating the store procedure by simply adding the following to the top of the query:
select id into #t from @ids
and replacing all usages of @ids
with #t
I was amazed at this simple fix, and was trying to understand it more. I tried to create a very simple reproduction.
create table dbo.ids
id int primary key clustered,
create type dbo.tvp as table(id int primary key clustered)
insert into dbo.ids(id)
select row_number() over (order by 1/0)
from string_split(space(1414),' ') a,string_split(space(1414),' ') b
create or alter procedure dbo.tvp_proc
@ids dbo.tvp readonly
declare @_ int = 0, @r int = 5;
while(@r > 0)
select @_ = count(*), @r -= 1
from dbo.ids i
where exists (
select 1
from @ids t
where t.id = i.id
create or alter procedure dbo.temp_proc
@ids dbo.tvp readonly
select * into #t from @ids
declare @_ int = 0, @r int = 5;
while(@r > 0)
select @_ = count(*), @r -= 1
from dbo.ids i
where exists (
select 1
from #t t
where t.id = i.id
And here is my simple benchmark.
set nocount on;
declare @s nvarchar(4000)=
'declare @ids tvp;
insert into @ids(id)
select @init + row_number() over (order by 1/0)
from string_split(space(99),char(32)) a,string_split(space(99),char(32)) b
declare @s datetime2 = sysutcdatetime()
create table #d(_ int)
insert into #d
exec dbo.tvp_proc @ids
print concat(right(concat(space(10),format(@init,''N0'')),10),char(9),datediff(ms, @s, sysutcdatetime()))',
@params nvarchar(20)=N'@init int'
print 'tvp result'
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,10000000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,1000000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,100000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,10000
select @s=replace(@s,'tvp_proc','temp_proc')
print 'temp table result'
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,10000000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,1000000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,100000
exec sp_executesql @s,@params,10000
Running this benchmark on my machine yields the following results:
tvp result
10,000,000 653
1,000,000 341
100,000 42
10,000 12
temp table result
10,000,000 52
1,000,000 60
100,000 57
10,000 59
The results show that the tvp approach seems to slow down as the ids inside get bigger, where as the temp table stays pretty consistent. Anyone have an idea as to why referencing a tvp with larger values is slower than a temp table?