In case the original question and the bounty are due to some misconception about what the index does exactly and how, here is Paul Ramsey with some pictures. And here's PostgreSQL doc.
In what way would a GiST index on a Geometry(Point) (not talking about
MultiPoint) column be useful?
In a dramatic way. It's not that it somehow makes points get processed faster, it's that it lets you skip the ones you don't need to process at all and get to the ones you need, more quickly.
Would it be useful in a spatial processing (example: ST_DWithin) with a (Multi)Polygon column indexed with a GiST index?
Yes, that too. Consider this demo:
create table test_points(id smallserial primary key, pt geometry(Point));
create table test_points2(id smallserial primary key, pt geometry(Point));
create table test_polygons(id smallserial primary key, poly geometry(Polygon));
--2k random points, each
insert into test_points (pt)
select st_makepoint(random()*1e3,random()*1e3)
from generate_series(1,2e3,1);
insert into test_points2 (pt)
select st_makepoint(random()*1e3,random()*1e3)
from generate_series(1,2e3,1);
--1k random polygons
insert into test_polygons (poly)
select st_convexhull(
ARRAY[ st_makepoint(random()*1e3,random()*1e3),
from generate_series(1,1e3,1);
Point-point ST_DWithin
with a radius of 30 and point-polygon ST_Intersects()
, both without an index on either side:
explain analyze verbose --point-point
select, count(
from test_points p1 left join test_points2 p2 on st_dwithin(,,30)
group by 1;
--Execution Time: 10117.017 ms
explain analyze verbose --point-polygon
from test_points right join test_polygons on st_intersects(pt,poly);
--Execution Time: 4771.741 ms
With a GiST index on Geometry(Point)
column, one's about 50x faster, the other about 2x:
create index test_points_pt_gix on test_points using gist(pt)
with (fillfactor=100);--fancy
cluster verbose test_points using test_points_pt_gix;--even fancier
explain analyze verbose --point-point
select, count(
from test_points p1 right join test_points2 p2 on st_dwithin(,,30)
group by 1;
--Execution Time: 230.952 ms
explain analyze verbose --point-polygon
from test_points right join test_polygons on st_intersects(pt,poly);
--Execution Time: 2611.132 ms