How do I monitor the performance of the following SQL in-depth?
INSERT INTO rating (account_id, product_id, rating)
VALUES (133236, 107, 0), (133236, 513, 1), (133236, 575, 2), (133236, 677, 3)
EXPLAIN is next to useless for this statement. Slow query log is turned on, but I don't expect this to be that slow (InnoDB row-locking)
But I have no way to be sure. I'm interested in both the time taken to complete, but also any nasty bugs or side-effects I may not have considered. Is is possible this could make the entire table unavailable?
It is wrapped in a transaction which is rolled-back if the query fails (application code). Really looking for a deep-dive around this simple code.
So I'm currently tinkering with a greenfield toy application, and because I am mildly lazy, I want to use the following.
In my application, all the values are bound parameter values, rather than hard-coded like in the above example. I've got a way to generate as many placeholders as needed and then send in lists.
How do I Instrument monitoring / performance on that query, and others where I am simplifying my application code database interaction in this way?
My Goal is hopefully reducing unnecessary querying, deferring to the DBMS the engine of state. But I'm not inferring zero-cost or magic, and I'd love to know where I can look, to monitor such decisions, so that I can feed back on my own experiments.
The most viable alternatives seems to be
- attempt to insert new records, then attempt to update existing records
- delete all records for each account and insert new ones
- pre-insert all product user-combo's ignoring collisions, then issue update for all.
Rows will never be deleted from the ratings table (I didn't pick the name of the columns or tables BTW). It's like an ever-growing hash-map where account_id and product_id are single-value across all transactions for ratings of products, storing a canonical "latest rating" for an account and product combo.
I did consider doing one record at a time, but that just seems inefficient.
My main concern with two separate insert and updates is that, accounting for changes to the table become a problem, I think my insert bypasses.
I also have my application code wrapped in a try/catch block, which begins a transaction and attempts to roll-back on error, checking if the connection is viable before issuing rollback.
One other oddity, I am currently working around is that if a customer ordered product-A on 4 occasions, and I were to allow 4 input values for the single product. I don't know what would happen. For-now I'm restricting updates to single-order for my own sanity.
- This link suggests that if your query will have NULL values, the queries will fail.'t%20work%20if%20you%20omit,record%20before%20actually%20resorting%20to%20update. I am fine with that. I generally try to avoid null values when designing schemas.
Handler method linked by @RickJames
FLUSH STATUS; -- zero out most of SESSION STATUS (non existent on really old versions of MySQL)
INSERT INTO rating (account_id, product_id, rating)
VALUES (42, 107, 0), (42, 513, 1), (42, 575, 2), (42, 677, 3)
This produces the following in a table with all records existing (most collisions)
# Variable_name, Value
Handler_commit, 1
Handler_delete, 0
Handler_discover, 0
Handler_external_lock, 0
Handler_icp_attempts, 0
Handler_icp_match, 0
Handler_mrr_init, 0
Handler_mrr_key_refills, 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills, 0
Handler_prepare, 0
Handler_read_first, 0
Handler_read_key, 4
Handler_read_last, 0
Handler_read_next, 0
Handler_read_prev, 0
Handler_read_retry, 0
Handler_read_rnd, 0
Handler_read_rnd_deleted, 0
Handler_read_rnd_next, 0
Handler_rollback, 0
Handler_savepoint, 0
Handler_savepoint_rollback, 0
Handler_tmp_delete, 0
Handler_tmp_update, 0
Handler_tmp_write, 0
Handler_update, 0
Handler_write, 4
27 Handlers
I Then deleted the rows and ran an insert without ON DUPLICATE clause
# Variable_name, Value
Handler_commit, 1
Handler_delete, 0
Handler_discover, 0
Handler_external_lock, 0
Handler_icp_attempts, 0
Handler_icp_match, 0
Handler_mrr_init, 0
Handler_mrr_key_refills, 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills, 0
Handler_prepare, 0
Handler_read_first, 0
Handler_read_key, 0
Handler_read_last, 0
Handler_read_next, 0
Handler_read_prev, 0
Handler_read_retry, 0
Handler_read_rnd, 0
Handler_read_rnd_deleted, 0
Handler_read_rnd_next, 0
Handler_rollback, 0
Handler_savepoint, 0
Handler_savepoint_rollback, 0
Handler_tmp_delete, 0
Handler_tmp_update, 0
Handler_tmp_write, 0
Handler_update, 0
Handler_write, 4
27 Handlers
Next I tried clearing the session. DELETING all rows, then just doing an insert...
FLUSH STATUS; -- zero out most of SESSION STATUS (non existent on really old versions of MySQL)
DELETE FROM rating WHERE account_id = 42 AND product_id IN(107, 513, 575, 677);
INSERT INTO rating (account_id, product_id, rating)
VALUES (42, 107, 0), (42, 513, 1), (42, 575, 2), (42, 677, 3);
The results were as follows
# Variable_name, Value
Handler_commit, 2
Handler_delete, 4
Handler_discover, 0
Handler_external_lock, 0
Handler_icp_attempts, 0
Handler_icp_match, 0
Handler_mrr_init, 0
Handler_mrr_key_refills, 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills, 0
Handler_prepare, 0
Handler_read_first, 0
Handler_read_key, 4
Handler_read_last, 0
Handler_read_next, 4
Handler_read_prev, 0
Handler_read_retry, 0
Handler_read_rnd, 0
Handler_read_rnd_deleted, 0
Handler_read_rnd_next, 0
Handler_rollback, 0
Handler_savepoint, 0
Handler_savepoint_rollback, 0
Handler_tmp_delete, 0
Handler_tmp_update, 0
Handler_tmp_write, 0
Handler_update, 0
Handler_write, 4
27 handlers...
Then I tried again, knowing inserts without the ON UPDATE would lead to problems.
# Variable_name, Value
Handler_commit, 0
Handler_delete, 0
Handler_discover, 0
Handler_external_lock, 0
Handler_icp_attempts, 0
Handler_icp_match, 0
Handler_mrr_init, 0
Handler_mrr_key_refills, 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills, 0
Handler_prepare, 0
Handler_read_first, 0
Handler_read_key, 0
Handler_read_last, 0
Handler_read_next, 0
Handler_read_prev, 0
Handler_read_retry, 0
Handler_read_rnd, 0
Handler_read_rnd_deleted, 0
Handler_read_rnd_next, 0
Handler_rollback, 1
Handler_savepoint, 0
Handler_savepoint_rollback, 0
Handler_tmp_delete, 0
Handler_tmp_update, 0
Handler_tmp_write, 0
Handler_update, 0
Handler_write, 1
27 handlers...
Here is an interesting-ish case. Just updates. So first requiring rows to exist. It's an edge similarly to inserting records where none exist.
FLUSH STATUS; -- zero out most of SESSION STATUS (non existent on really old versions of MySQL)
UPDATE rating
SET rating = (case when product_id = 107 then 3
when product_id = 513 then 2
when product_id = 575 then 1
when product_id = 677 then 0
WHERE account_id = 42;
This is interesting both because the CASE statement would need to be generated, a bit like the current values, and I've not tested this using application code.
# Variable_name, Value
Handler_commit, 1
Handler_delete, 0
Handler_discover, 0
Handler_external_lock, 0
Handler_icp_attempts, 0
Handler_icp_match, 0
Handler_mrr_init, 0
Handler_mrr_key_refills, 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills, 0
Handler_prepare, 0
Handler_read_first, 0
Handler_read_key, 1
Handler_read_last, 0
Handler_read_next, 4
Handler_read_prev, 0
Handler_read_retry, 0
Handler_read_rnd, 0
Handler_read_rnd_deleted, 0
Handler_read_rnd_next, 0
Handler_rollback, 0
Handler_savepoint, 0
Handler_savepoint_rollback, 0
Handler_tmp_delete, 0
Handler_tmp_update, 0
Handler_tmp_write, 0
Handler_update, 4
Handler_write, 0
At this point I begin to think it's the right column values summed, not the number of rows in the handlers (they are all 27)
9 | insert with on duplicate update
5 | insert (ideal case only insert needed)
2 | failed insert
18 | delete then insert
10 | bulk single-query updates
So it seems that from the handler method. Upserts are half as costly as in a single request with two queries deleting, then inserting (impressive)
With 24 rows
49 | 2n+1 INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (single field)
49 | UPDATE (requires all rows to exist)
75 | DELETE, then insert
25 | INSERT (requires no records)
, the transaction was automaticallyROLLBACKd