I have an SSIS package between a SQL2000 and SQL20008 server that cannot connect since migrating to VM. The SSIS package runs a data transfer between the two servers using 3 Connection manager strings. I am trying to understand what the values of the connection strings mean. I am not a SQL DB admin/tech at all. The 3 strings are below.
Some of the values seem self-explanatory, others I do not understand.
Data Source=;
User ID=SQLadm;
Initial Catalog=SQL_db;
Persist Security Info=True;
OLE DB Services=-13;
Auto Translate=False;
Application Name=SSIS-TransferPkg-{8ABA18EE-637E-424F-A3F7-F7E4EA50DD9D};
Data Source=localhost;
Initial Catalog=Server2008;
Integrated Security=SSPI;
Auto Translate=False;
Application Name=SSIS-TransferPkg-{E92CF7CB-23A5-4713-8593-F2FF92C980EA}localhost.Server2008;
Data Source=localhost;
Initial Catalog=Server2008;
Integrated Security=SSPI;
Connect Timeout=10;
Auto Translate=False;
Application Name=SSIS-TransferPkg-{E28D4B65-CE56-4BD7-BEC4-02EE1738F568}localhost.Server2008.SQLadm;
Specifically what do the following mean:
OLE DB Services=
yes, object linking services and I read the MS Doc here( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ms717922(v=vs.85)#:~:text=OLE%20DB%20provides%20common%20services,performance%20of%20OLE%20DB%20providers.&text=(OLE%20DB%20services%20cannot%20be,see%20Creating%20Data%20Source%20Objects.) but hoping someone can dumb it down for me.
Also what do the 32 digit codes in {} mean? Is it a hash check/authentication or ID for some process?
And for Application Name=
this seems redundant. I am already running the transfer package, why does the name and the connection parameters (IP.DB.USER) need to be repeated at the end?
Thank you for any input or resources I can reference! I am not a DB/SQL admin in any fashion.