I have multiple users in Postgres. I would like to set up different statement timeouts for different users.
Eg: Guest 5 minutes and Admin 10 minutes.
Is it possible in Postgres 11.11?
Yes, Postgres allows settings per user or even per database and user, including statement_timeout
ALTER ROLE foo SET statement_timeout = 12345; -- milliseconds
To see the currently active setting for the session:
SHOW statement_timeout;
Or get more details from the view pg_settings
(including how it was set):
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name = 'statement_timeout';
To check current settings for a role:
SELECT rolname, rolconfig
FROM pg_roles
WHERE rolname = 'foo';
is an array, unnest it to get one setting per row:
SELECT rolname, unnest(rolconfig) AS setting
FROM pg_roles
WHERE rolname = 'foo';
Found that we can set the timeout on Role.
ALTER ROLE guest SET statement_timeout='5min';
ALTER ROLE admin SET statement_timeout='10min';