I got database1 on server1 and database2 on server2.

Now I need to replicate a single table from database1 to database2

Now I thought that this would work:

  replicate-ignore-table  = %
  replicate-do-table      = table
  replicate-rewrite-db    = "database1->database2"

but this does not seem to work as mysql does not accept % symbol with replicate-ignore-table directive. any ideas ?


I have tried :

  replicate-ignore-table  = database1.%
  replicate-do-table      = database1.table
  replicate-rewrite-db    = "database1->database2"

Now mysql is starting, but table is not being replicated.

  • +1 for answering you own question with a bit of lunch time. Commented Nov 24, 2012 at 3:03

2 Answers 2


So I had some lunch and figured it out !

  replicate-do-table      = database2.table
  replicate-rewrite-db    = "database1->database2"
  • I am glad to figured this one out yourself. I have something to share with you: replicate-ignore-table and replicate-do-table cannot be mixed any more than scotch and blood pressure meds. ( See my ServerFault post serverfault.com/a/271588/69271 under possibility #6 along with dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/… ) You get a +1 for removing replicate-ignore-table = database1.% to solve it. Commented Nov 24, 2012 at 3:02
replicate-ignore-table  = database1.%
replicate-do-table      = database1.table
replicate-rewrite-db    = "database1->database2"

due to what you configured and refer to MySQL docs, the mistake in your configuration is that, you are rewriting the db (which will done before any replication rule) 1->2, and then filtering replication on DB1.

check replication execution rules, flow chart.

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