How do I do audit SELECT on one column in the table?

The column in question is a BLOB column so most likely these blob columns are accessed using some dbms_lob.

Table Emp:

column Type
Emp_Id Number
Ename Varchar2(40)
Emp_Image Blob

SELECT on Emp_Image (dbms_lob) should generate an audit record.

Do I need to use dbms_fga?

I'm using Oracle Database 18C.

I have not tried anything, just exploring options. I know standard audit can do select,DML on full table but not on one column of a table. DBMS_FGA.ADD_POLICY( object_schema => 'hr', object_name => 'emp', policy_name => 'finegrained_hr_emp_check', audit_column => 'emp_image' statement_types => 'select'); This is what I can think off. There are some enhancements in audit called uniform auditing but unable to find example for such scenario.



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