I have a table with millions of records. I need to query for the last-added record by timestamp, for a given field. Pretty simple stuff, trivial to do with SQL:

    id integer,
    "timestamp" integer,
    type text
CREATE INDEX idx_type_time_sql
ON records (type ASC, timestamp DESC);

Queries are fast, even searching for a type that does not exist in the table.

select * from records where type = 'KNOWN' order by timestamp desc limit 1
select * from records where type = 'UNKNOWN' order by timestamp desc limit 1

I can also almost get it working with NOSQL (aka a jsonb field that contains all object properties):

    id integer,
    json jsonb NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX idx_timestamp
ON records (((json->'timestamp')::bigint));

This is fast (a few ms) to find a record when type is found. However, THIS FAILS to use the index if the type is not found in the table. It does a full tablescan that takes 12 seconds or so.

-- fast:
select * from records where json->>'type' = 'KNOWN'
order by (json->'timestamp')::bigint desc limit 1;
-- slow:
select * from records where json->>'type' = 'UNKNOWN'
order by (json->'timestamp')::bigint desc limit 1;

I have tried many different types of jsonb indexes and queries with no luck, eg:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_type_timestamp ON records ( (json -> 'type'), ((json -> 'timestamp')::bigint));

Is there any way to get postgresql jsonb indexing working as well as a good old fashioned SQL index, when querying for unknown values? Or is this just a shortcoming of jsonb?

  • 2
    An index over -> can't be used for a condition over ->>. The operators need to match. Once you build the correct expressional index, make sure you ANALYZE the table so you get stats on it.
    – jjanes
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 1:35
  • I consistently used -> for timestamp. I also tried many combinations. Nothing completed the query quickly when the where clause did not hit successful results.
    – moodboom
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 1:47
  • 2
    "I consistently used -> for timestamp" But not for 'type', which is slightly important here.
    – jjanes
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 2:11
  • I tried that and it only gets worse. I'm not sure how to show all the work I've tried to get this going. I guess I'll update the question with more examples that fail.
    – moodboom
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 18:52
  • Aha - i got it working with your nudge, @jjanes - I'll post an answer with the details - thank you!
    – moodboom
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 19:14

1 Answer 1


Paying close attention to matching the index syntax with the query syntax was all that was needed to solve this (thanks @jjanes). Once you do, the successful approach is very similar to indexing standard SQL columns.


CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_json_pair ON records ((json->>'type'),((json->'timestamp')::bigint));

Now, both hit and miss queries are fully indexed and fast:

select * from records where json->>'type' = 'KNOWN' order by (json->'timestamp')::bigint desc limit 1
select * from records where json->>'type' = 'UNKNOWN' order by (json->'timestamp')::bigint desc limit 1

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