The table BillOfQuantitiy has level index and boqitemname, sitename and many more. The data visualization is as follows

|Level Index    | Boq Item Name | Site Name| 
|1.1.1          | Clamp         |          |
|        | Hand Clamp    |          |
|        | Door Clamp    |          |
|1.1.2          | Switches      |          |
|        | Two way switch|          |

and so on

The expected output is

|Level Index    | Boq Item Name | Site Name| 
|1.1.1          | Clamp         |  Clamp   |
|        | Hand Clamp    |  Clamp   |
|        | Door Clamp    |  Clamp   |
|1.1.2          | Switches      | Switches |
|        | Two way switch| Switches |

I need to update the sitename to the parent level index's BoqItemnamei.e for the parent level index is 1.1.1 whose BoqItemname is Clamp.

The same goes for For the sitename would be Switches

The way I decided to build the query is

  1. select all the parent Items a

  2. select all the child items b

  3. Inner join these above two based on the a.levelindex = substring(b.levelindex,1,length(a.levelindex))

  4. selecting the levelindex, lblindex, boqitemname, substring(b.levelindex,1,length(a.levelindex) as benev from the above inner join

  5. Updating the sitename where levelindex=benev and lblindex ==boqtable.levelindex

    update billofquantity btt
    set sitename=fin.boqitemname
         select levelindex,boqitemname, lblindex, substring(lblindex,1,lenght(levelindex)) as benev 
                select * from (
                                select levelindex, boqitemname from billofquantity where productno='' and levelindex!='' and lenght(levelindex)>2) a 
                                 select distinct levelindex lblindex from billofquantity where boqitemid!='' and levelindex!='' and length(levelindex)>2 ) b
                                  on a.levelindex = substring(b.lblindex,1,length(a.levelindex)
              ) as foo 
                  where foo.levelindex=substring(foo.lblindex,1,length(foo.levelindex))
    ) as fin where fin.levelindex = fin.benev
          and  fin.lblindex = btt.levelindex

When I do the selection which is inside of the update, it shows that levelindex, boqitemname, lblindex and benev where levelindex and benev will be same. Hence I want to filter the update on those same valued columns and also on the lblindex equal to the updating table levelindex.

It shows that the update happend but the sitename remains null. The query doesn't update may be due to selection and updation happening on the same table?

  • Can you provide more detail around the expect output/results?
    – user212533
    Commented Aug 9, 2021 at 14:18
  • Why does Site Name match Boq Item Name for 1.1.1 and 1.1.2? Why is it not a null or an empty string instead? What's the rule there?
    – Andriy M
    Commented Aug 9, 2021 at 14:57
  • @AndriyM The rule is that level indexes which have product no empty and level index not empty are the parent level indexes. Under each parent level index, child level indexes are present. I need to fill the site name of each child to the parent's boqitemname. Parent's site name hasn't to be touched.
    – Raida Adn
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 6:00
  • @bbaird I updated the question with the expected output.
    – Raida Adn
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 6:03
  • @RaidaAdn: Sorry, I'm still confused. I understand why's Site Name should be Clamp, because that's Boq Item Name of its parent, item 1.1.1. But why should 1.1.1's Site Name be Clamp as well? It doesn't have a parent, and yet you showed that its Site Name is also filled, and in that case filled with its own Boq Item Name. Why?
    – Andriy M
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 12:49

1 Answer 1


You could use a correlated subquery like this:

  BillOfQuantity AS tgt
  SiteName =
      BillOfQuantity AS src
      tgt.LevelIndex LIKE src.LevelIndex || '%'
      AND tgt.LevelIndex <> src.LevelIndex
      src.LevelIndex DESC

Note that a top-level item's SiteName will be set to null this way. If you want it to be set to the item's BoqItemName instead, you could wrap the subquery in COALESCE and specify tgt.BoqItemName as the substitution for the null:

  BillOfQuantity AS tgt
  SiteName =
          BillOfQuantity AS src
          tgt.LevelIndex LIKE src.LevelIndex || '%'
          AND tgt.LevelIndex <> src.LevelIndex
        ORDER BY
          src.LevelIndex DESC
    , tgt.BoqItemName

You can try both options online using this live demo.

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