Basic high availability
2 replicas (1 primary, 1 secondary).
DB01 => initial primary.
DB02 => initial secondary
Synchronous commit on both
Both are in synchronized state
There is no listener configured
Cluster type None
When we stop the DB01 (initial & current primary) SQL service using services.msc (simulating a friendly server crash) and then initiate a forced failover on DB02 (initial & current secondary) using:
The secondary database comes online, which is what we want.
However, when the DB01 SQL Server service is started again, using services.msc, the DB01 db assumes primary role again.
So currently there are 2 instances readable/writable and out of sync. We were expecting that the initial primary would detect that a secondary has taken the primary role and assume a secondary role or at least be inaccessible so apps cannot work on old data.
The same procedure, but using the deprecated mirror setup, does behave this way.