Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/agent/configure-a-user-to-create-and-manage-sql-server-agent-jobs?view=sql-server-ver15#Security

To configure a user to create or execute Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs, you must first add an existing SQL Server login or msdb role to one of the following SQL Server Agent fixed database roles in the msdb database: SQLAgentUserRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, or SQLAgentOperatorRole.

I understand that an existing login can be added to one of the above sql server agent fixed database roles.

But what does it mean by add an existing msdb role to one of the following SQL Server Agent fixed database roles?

1 Answer 1


That is either

  • a typo (they should have "user" instead of "role")
  • or they mean that you create your own role in msdb for those who can manage agent ,add users to that role and then add that role to the pre-defined Agent role. One role can "be a member" of another role, ("nested" roles). To me that feels a bit over the edge, so my guess it the above, a typo.

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