I have an array of timestamps in a PLPGSQL code block: timestamp_array.

For each element of timestamp_array I want to get the element itself (timestamp_element) and some columns from a table (my_table) that also has a timestamp column, but I don't want to get the table timestamp column itself, but the timestamp array element. The condition is that I only want to get one table row for each array element, the nearest match (into the past) between the timestamp elements in the array and the table timestamp column.

What I want to achieve is something like:

FOR EACH timestamp_element IN ARRAY timestamp_array
    SELECT my_table.some_other_columns...
    FROM my_table
    WHERE my_table.timestamp <= $1
    ORDER BY my_table.timestamp DESC
    LIMIT 1
  USING timestamp_element
  INTO tmp_array;

    INSERT INTO temporary_table
    VALUES ($1, array_to_string($2, ', '))
  USING timestamp_element, tmp_array;

I don't know if the previous code is 100% correct, but it's only to try to explain better what I want to achieve. And obviously, the point would be to do the job with only one query, instead that one query for array element.

To put it as a practical case if I have a my_table:

timestamp col_a ...
2020-02-13 23:12:07 12 ...
2020-03-27 10:37:01 15 ...
2020-06-14 16:32:44 7 ...
2020-06-14 17:01:57 33 ...

With an timestamp_array:

  2020-02-15 12:00:00,
  2020-03-22 00:00:00,
  2020-06-14 17:00:00

I would want the following temporary_table without using one independent query for each array element:

timestamp col_a ...
2020-02-15 12:00:00 12 ...
2020-03-22 00:00:00 12 ...
2020-06-14 17:00:00 7 ...
  • What if there are no timestamps in the table that fall between two in your array? Sep 24, 2021 at 16:21
  • Maybe I have not expressed well my self, but the query should search for the biggest avaliable table timestamp which is smaller or equal than the timestamp array element. The biggest table timestamp that meets table.timestamp <= array.element_timestamp criteria. So it hasn't to fall between. A timestamp element in the array like '2034-01-01' should return 7. A timestamp of '1980-01-01' should return null.
    – Héctor
    Sep 24, 2021 at 16:29

1 Answer 1


unnest() the array and run a LATERAL subquery on your table:

SELECT a.timestamp_element, t.col1, t.col2, ...
FROM   unnest(timestamp_array) AS a(timestamp_element)
   FROM   my_table t
   WHERE  t.timestamp <= a.timestamp_element
   ORDER  BY t.timestamp DESC
   LIMIT  1
   ) t ON true;

Pure SQL. You can nest it in a PL/pgSQL block, of course.
But you certainly don't need dynamic SQL with EXECUTE for this.

Maybe add another ORDER BY expression to break ties and get deterministic results if my_table.timestamp isn't UNIQUE.

If my_table is big, be sure to have an index on (timestamp) to make it fast.

LEFT JOIN .. ON true keeps all timestamp_element in the result, even if no earlier row is found in my_table.


  • Will an index help when searching for a value lower than or equal? Sep 25, 2021 at 16:48
  • @GerardH.Pille: Yes, in this constellation a plain btree index is perfect. Sep 25, 2021 at 18:13
  • Thanks, it looks pretty much what I was really looking for. Tomorrow I will test it. But I'm a little bit confused about the dynSQL/execute part. Isn't that the tool to use when the full SQL statement is unknown until runtime, like in this case that the timestamp array is unkown? When dynSQL/execute is really needed then?
    – Héctor
    Sep 26, 2021 at 8:49
  • @Héctor: Dynamic SQL is really needed when syntax elements or identifiers are dynamic. Your array is a value. You could still use dynamic SQL to force a custom execution plan for every array element. But that only pays for extremely uneven data distributions. Sep 26, 2021 at 12:38
  • Ah, ok. So, no need to use EXECUTE with 'dynamic' literals. And what if the literal comes directly from user input and it's unsafe? Would be preferable to use user_inp=quote_literal(user_inp) and then use it directly in plain SQL, or to use EXECUTE ... USING user_inp? I have read that EXECUTE...USING was newer and more peformant than quote_literal(), that was a little bit obsolette.
    – Héctor
    Sep 26, 2021 at 19:01

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