I would like to access a Firebird database remotely using DBeaver and have had little success. DBeaver utilises the FirebirdSQL JDBC driver.

We have been presented with the following error message:

  • unavailable database [SQLState:08001, ISC error code:335544375] unavailable database unavailable database
  • (when specifying the alias as the path)I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "clinplus"; Error while trying to open file; The system cannot find the file specified. [SQLState:08001, ISC error code:335544344] I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "clinplus" I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "clinplus" Error while trying to open file; The system cannot find the file specified.

What we have tried

  • Connect to database via the database server: This works fine.
  • Disabled Windows Firewall: Still not working
  • Mapped the location of the specific database files as network drives: Still not working

Further information

  • URI Template: jdbc:firebirdsql://{host}:{port}/{file}

1 Answer 1


I was able to solve this myself pretty quickly. I didn't understand the path was relative to the server it was connecting to. My problem was my connection string appeared as: jdbc:firebirdsql://HOST:3050/\\HOST\path\to\db where it needed to be jdbc:firebirdsql://HOST:3050/C:/path/to/db. C:\ is the C drive on the host.

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