I have been having a horrible time dumping this example output into a neatly structured JSON output.

Here is some example data

CREATE TEMP TABLE isuck (path text[], city text);
INSERT INTO isuck(path, city)
        (ARRAY['Planet Earth','North America','United States','Eastern','New York'],'New York City'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Eastern','New York'],'Manhattan'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Central','Missouri'],'St Louis'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Central','Missouri'],'Wenztville'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Central','Missouri'],'Kansas City'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Central','Illinois'],'Chicaco'),
        (ARRAY['United States','Central','Texas'],'Houston'),
        (ARRAY['Mexico','Jalisco'],'Puerto Vallarta'),
        (ARRAY['Mexico','Baja California'],'Tijuana');

I would like to be able to dump this output to JSON in the following format.

  "United States": {
    "Eastern": {
      "New York": [
        "New York City",
    "Central": {
      "Missouri": [
        "St Louis",
        "Kansas City"
      "Illinois": [
      "Texas": [
        "San Antonio"
  "Mexico": {
    "Jalisco": [
      "Puerto Vallarta",
    "Baja California Sur": [
      "Cabo San Lucas"

Here is where I have gotten to.

SELECT   jsonb_build_object(path[1], jsonb_build_object(path[2], jsonb_build_object(path[3], jsonb_agg(city))))
FROM     isuck
GROUP BY path[1],

But this fails with the error

argument 1: key must not be null

I know it is because cities in Mexico are only 2 levels deep whereas cities in the US are 3 levels deep.

Thanks so much for helping steer me in the right direction!


This is brilliant! One thing is that in my example table, it had a max of 3 levels deep, whereas my real data actually has up to 5. I added two additional sections and it appears to work well but I fear that it might now be the most efficient?

   SELECT path1, jsonb_object_agg(path2, val) AS val FROM (
   SELECT path1, path2, jsonb_object_agg(path3, val) AS val FROM (
     SELECT path[1] AS path1, path[2] AS path2, path[3] AS path3, jsonb_object_agg(path[4], val) AS val
     FROM   cte
     WHERE  i = 4
     GROUP  BY 1, 2, 3
   ) four_1
    GROUP BY 1, 2
   ) four_2
    GROUP BY 1

   UNION ALL    
   SELECT path1, jsonb_object_agg(path2, val) AS val FROM (
     SELECT path[1] AS path1, path[2] AS path2, jsonb_object_agg(path[3], val) AS val
     FROM   cte
     WHERE  i = 3
     GROUP  BY 1, 2
   ) three_1
    GROUP BY 1

  • May be you can use coalesce to handle nulls? Something like coalesce(path[3],path[2]) instead of just path[3].
    – mustaccio
    Commented Nov 18, 2021 at 18:24
  • 1
    Please tag your PostgreSQL version. 1-Can you modify actual data? 2-Are you trying to get a single row with all the json text?
    – McNets
    Commented Nov 18, 2021 at 22:26
  • I assume the result should just read "Texas": ["Houston"]. "Dallas" and "San Antonio" are not in the table. Commented Nov 19, 2021 at 3:29

1 Answer 1


For the three levels you show in your sample data:

WITH cte AS (
   SELECT path[0:i-1] AS path, i-1 AS i, json_object_agg(path[i], cities) AS val
   FROM  (
      SELECT path, cardinality(path) AS i, json_agg(city) AS cities
      FROM   isuck
      GROUP  BY 1
      ) sub
   GROUP  BY 1, 2
SELECT json_object_agg(key, val) AS result
   SELECT path[1] AS key, json_object_agg(path[2], val) AS val
   FROM   cte
   WHERE  i = 2
   GROUP  BY 1

   SELECT path[1], val
   FROM   cte
   WHERE  i = 1
   ) sub;

Produces the desired result.

db<>fiddle here - with prettified jsonb

For details on the used JSON functions read the manual here.



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