i'm doing a select starting from a table named events
that is joined with device measurements using a date between function (this time between is a sort of "mobile windowing") in order to get the measurements that are included between the event log insert time and a -1 hour inverval.
After that, due to the fact that the measurement is a JSON structure, i use a cross join to unpack the ap_info
object and then get the ap_name
, ap_ip
and neigh_name
of the latest measurement that is present on db right before the event occours.
My two attempts:
First approach (very slow, also and unusable when there is no match on the concat
filter expression):
from tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp
cross join jsonb_to_recordset(tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.data->'ap_info') as p(ap_name text,ap_ip text, neigh_name text)
inner join tv_event on tv_event.name = p.ap_name
where smart_device_id = 3 and (tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.insert_time <= tv_event.insert_time
and tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.insert_time > tv_event.insert_time - '1 hour'::interval)
and is_event_ack = false
and (CONCAT('Host: ', p.ap_name, ' - IP: ' , p.ap_ip) = 'Host: AP-04 - IP:')
order by tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.insert_time desc
limit 1
Explain: HERE
CTE Method (goes without any evident issue):
with cte_temp as (select * from (
select tv_event.insert_time, tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.data from tv_event
inner join tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp on
(tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.insert_time <= tv_event.insert_time and tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.insert_time > tv_event.insert_time - '1 hour'::interval)
where is_event_ack = false and tv_smartdevicemeasurement_snmp.smart_device_id = 3) as join_non_ack_evt_meas
) Select insert_time, ap_name, ap_ip, neigh_name from cte_temp
cross join jsonb_to_recordset(cte_temp.data->'ap_info') as p(ap_name text,ap_ip text, neigh_name text)
where (CONCAT('Host: ', ap_name, ' - IP: ' , ap_ip) = 'Host: AP-04 - IP:')
order by insert_time desc
limit 1
Explain: HERE
The question is: why there is so much difference between these two queries? i mean, they works on the same tables! please explain me in which differs: the only things that i'm seeing is that this approach is working on a large row subset
And, in addition, you have any suggest to optimize my second approach?
Postgres Version: "PostgreSQL 11.13 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424, 64-bit"
SELECT version();
(I have posted like a thousand variations of this comment over the years, if you wonder about the punctuation.)