I'm creating a PostgreSQL database for datasets, which should store historical and future data of weather forecasts and train timetables. I'm wondering if my ERD is good enough for a database which would perform well and is nicely structured.
My idea is to use Python Data Analysis Library to create dataframes. Dataframes should have all the data from a desired date and show all the train routes and weather from a desired station.
I'm new to SQL and databases overall and I'm feeling like the current design I have is lacking something or is not very well designed for performance.
So my idea is that I want to get answers to questions like:
- What was the rain amount yesterday at station X between 12.00 and 13.00?
- What is train Y's route for tomorrow?
I'm wondering if my database with this ERD is capable of storing all this information for all these questions. I hope this clarified my goal with my database.
So, if someone could give me any advice or tips I would appreciate it very much!