I have a table with three columns: two can be used to filter the table, and the last can be used to sort it:
create table thing(
id serial primary key,
location geometry(Point, 4326) not null,
created_at timestamptz not null default (now() at time zone 'utc'),
priority float not null
I have been playing with the indexes to support the following query:
select id
from thing
where st_dwithin(location, 'SRID=4326;Point($0 $1)'::geometry, $2)
and created_at >= now() - interval '$3 days'
order by priority
offset $4
limit $5;
Ideally this query could combine indexes on location, created_at, and priority to get optimal performance. Typically I'd imagine an index using btree (priority, location, created_at)
would support such a query quite well, utilizing the index during the filter and delivering results pre-sorted. However, the st_dwithin part of the filter goes unassisted by the filter since that is not a gist
If I make an index using gist (priority, location, created_at)
then the query plan utilizes the index during filtering but does not deliver results pre-sorted and sorts the results unassisted by the index.
At this point I thought we'd have to split up the index, but using gist(location, created_at)
and using btree(priority)
if $5 <= 20
the query plan uses the btree index and if $5 > 20
the query plan uses the gist index.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be, and what I could do to optimize the performance of both the filtering and the sorting?
of the point in the btree index instead, but this is obviously full of limitations and only works because location is ageometry(Point)