First of all you will need to install the tablefunc extension using the create extension tablefunc;
command, otherwise the pivot function crosstab
will not work.
Even after reading this answer, it is recommended that you read the official documentation of PostgreSQL on crosstab here
As for how to do this:
select *
from crosstab(
sum(duration) as total_minutes
from work
group by role, type
order by type',
'select distinct type from work order by type'
) as ct(
role text,
"Cleaning" text,
"Food preparation" text
Pay attention to the explicit order by
clause in both queries, this is a must, otherwise it may map values incorrectly as SQL does not guarantee the order of data without it.
You will have to specify each possible output of the column type
in the alias.
A more dynamic version of the above (although not perfect by any means):
create or replace function get_dynamic_transpose()
returns text
language plpgsql
v_output_columns text;
select array_to_string(array_agg(distinct quote_ident(type) || ' ' || pg_typeof(type) || E' \n'),',','null')
into v_output_columns
from testing;
return format(
'select *
from crosstab(
sum(duration) as total_minutes
from testing
group by role, type
order by type'',
''select distinct type from testing order by type''
) as ct(
role text,
);', v_output_columns
This function would return the query you need to execute to get your desired result. It will dynamically build the list of possible columns you need for the output. This function can definitely be made to be more general purpose like it is done here but it's not a small amount of work to do that as PostgreSQL cannot return a set it does not know its definition beforehand.
There is the other option of this function instead of returning a query string, it can instead return an array of json objects each representing a row, and you would split this json into normal rows and column on application side. If such a solution is acceptable then this works fine:
create or replace function get_dynamic_transpose_jsonb()
returns jsonb
language plpgsql
v_output_columns text;
v_query text;
v_result jsonb;
select array_to_string(array_agg(distinct quote_ident(type) || ' ' || pg_typeof(type) || E' \n'),',','null')
into v_output_columns
from testing;
v_query = format(
'select jsonb_agg(ct)
from crosstab(
sum(duration) as total_minutes
from testing
group by role, type
order by type'',
''select distinct type from testing order by type''
) as ct(
role text,
);', v_output_columns
execute v_query into v_result;
return v_result;
The result of this function would be something similar to the following
[{"role": "Nurse", "Cleaning": "30", "Food preparation": null}, {"role": "Volunteer", "Cleaning": null, "Food preparation": "55"}]