I have this table

create table "tasks" (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id int REFERNCES "user"(id), title TEXT);

I also created index on "tasks"(user_id)

Then I open two transactions simultaneously. t0 t1.. denote series of time snapshots in increasing order

Transaction 1

begin; --T0
set transaction isolation level serializable; --T2
select * from "tasks" where user_id=1; --T4
insert into "tasks" (user_id, title, content, created_time) VALUES (1, 'abc'); --T6
end; --T8

Transaction 2

begin; --T1
set transaction isolation level serializable; --T3
select * from "tasks" where user_id=2; --T5
insert into "tasks" (user_id, title, content, created_time) VALUES (2, 'abc'); --T7
end; --T9

Transactions 1 succeeds but transaction 2 fails. But if i change the where user_id=? of the select statements to where id=?, it works.

So does SSI allow only unrelated primary key changes and still fails with unrelated indexed columns?

The situation is similar to this question Isolation level serializable not working as expected?. But I have created an index on my column.

  • Even if you have an index, it still doesn't guarantee against false positive failures.
    – jjanes
    Commented Apr 30, 2022 at 14:45
  • But why does the primary key still work? Commented Apr 30, 2022 at 18:51
  • Please share EXPLAIN output for the SELECT statement. Commented May 2, 2022 at 6:25

1 Answer 1


Ok, turns out I needed to create more data for my test table, otherwise postgres will opt to use sequential scan instead of index scan and thus causes conflict.

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