Querying the dm_os_performance_counters shows that I have 2 NUMA nodes:
select *
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Node'
and counter_name = 'Page life expectancy'
Querying the sys.dm_os_sys_info shows:
Numa node count 4
CPU count 24
Softnumae_configuration 1
Socket_count 24
Cores per socket 1
Where as when I right click on SQL server properties, click on Processors it shows 2 NUMA nodes, each with 12 CPUs.
SQL error log:
SQL Server detected 24 sockets with 1 cores per socket and 1 logical processors
per socket. 24 total logical processors.
Automatic soft-NUMA was enabled because SQL server has detected hardware NUMA nodes
with greater than 8 physical cores.
So what is the final value of NUMA and CPUs?
I am asking because it is recommended to have the MAX DOP configured based on the number of NUMA nodes and the processors per node (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/configure-the-max-degree-of-parallelism-server-configuration-option?view=sql-server-ver15#Recommendations). How to decide on the MAX DOP when there is discrepancy between processor count reported in sys.dm_os_sys_info vs server properties vs SQL error logs?