I have a list of people that varies between 2-5k entries that has this general format:

firstname1 lastname1, firstname2 lastname2, firstname3 lastname3 ...

I have a user_table which contains about 250-300k entries with a firstname and lastname column. What I'm trying to do is let users input that list of names into a field, and return all users in the database with matching names. My first instinct was to create a view called name_search that looks like this ->

create view name_search as (
    to_tsvector(concat(firstname, ' ', lastname)) as search_field
  from user_table

Then I can search against it by turning all the names in the comma separated list into a string like this

const queryString = "(firstname1 <-> lastname1) | (firstname2 <-> lastname2) | (firstname3 <-> lastname3) ..."

then I can pass that string into this query

from name_search 
where search_field @@ to_tsquery(queryString)

I'm leaving out some of the details like escaping the string etc etc. but my issue is that this is horribly slow. I was wondering if someone could help me create a solution to this that is faster.

  • You say you have the list, but then you also say you want to let uses input it. Those seem like different things. And input it where? Into a <textarea></> ? into a database table?
    – jjanes
    Commented May 23, 2022 at 20:52
  • Sounds like you want to put them into an array and just joining it. Eg where search_field in (@arr) Commented May 24, 2022 at 9:18

1 Answer 1


I don't see a case for full text search here.
You can provide your input string as is to this query:

SELECT t.id, firstname, lastname
FROM   user_table t
   SELECT split_part(fullname, ' ', 1) AS firstname
        , split_part(fullname, ' ', 2) AS lastname
   FROM   unnest(string_to_array('firstname1 lastname1, firstname2 lastname2, firstname3 lastname3', ', ')) fullname
   ) input USING (firstname, lastname);

An index on (firstname, lastname) should help performance while the input list isn't too long. For retrieving more than a couple percent of all rows, a sequential scan is faster anyway.



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