I would like to increase the size of a column. The column currently is varchar(1000) and will be changed to varchar(2000). Null value is already permitted.
The tables has about 2 millions of records, huge reads and many writes (less than reads).
MySQL/Aurora version = 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.09.3
1 - I wrote this command:
ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY COLUMN description VARCHAR(2000);
This command took about 4 minutes to complete.
2 - I wrote only this:
ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY COLUMN description VARCHAR(2000);
This command took about 3 seconds to complete.
3 - I wrote this (just for testing purposes):
ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY COLUMN description VARCHAR(50); -- Decreasing
This command took about 4 minutes to complete.
I think that second option is faster because mysql will update only metadata, and "knows" that does not exists any record to check due that it is a increasing operation. Is it right?
I am searching for the best way to update this table without using strategies like copy to another table or another column.
Note: I tested in a separated instance (the same hardware) and simulate the same queries (read and write) for all wrote command.
Edited: Change MySQL Version