I am looking for a charset/collation that would make it so when I do a
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username = "Warrior"
It only returns me the rows where username = "Warrior", "warrior" or "WARRIOR", and not "WÂRRÎOR" "Wârrîor" etc.
I found a partial solution, by changing the Charset to "utf8mb4" and the Collation to "utf8mb4_bin", now it seems accent sensitive, it differentiates "Wârrîor" from "Warrior", but it's also case sensitive, so "Warrior" is different than "WARRIOR" which is not what I want.
I tried a different collations but I couldn't get one to do what exactly what I want. Any ideas ?
Below is a screenshot of the different Collations available to me in the "utf8mb4" Charset :