I am refactoring my database constraint for such a table:

CREATE TABLE products (
  name text NOT NULL,
  status text NOT NULL

A former engineer working on the project had such a constraint:

ALTER TABLE products
  ADD CONSTRAINT unique_active_name
  EXCLUDE (name WITH =)
  WHERE (status = 'active' AND name <> '');

I am wondering if it is equivalent to such a partial unique index:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_active_name
  ON products(name)
  WHERE (status = 'active' AND name <> '');

I did not quite get the documentation for EXCLUDE, and would like to improve things. Thanks in advance!

  • 1
    Yes, both approaches are basically identically.
    – user1822
    Commented Jun 25, 2022 at 7:36

1 Answer 1


exclusionary constraints have indexes whose constraints are deferrable, whereas unique indexes do not

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