I have Oracle XE 21c and HammerDB 4.4. The task is to benchmark database.
Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release - Production Version
Well, because of that I've done the command below after 'sqlplus system/pass_of_sys':
alter session set container=XEPDB1; (that's the name of pluggable DB);
create tablespace tpcctab datafile 'tpcctab.dat' size 8G autoextend on;
create temporary tablespace tpcctemp tempfile 'tpcctemp.dat' size 4G autoextend on;
And I've created HammerDB creating schema script which runs on local machine:
dbset bm TPROC-C
dbset db ora
diset connection system_user system
diset connection system_password pass_of_sys
diset connection instance
diset tpcc tpcc_user tpcc
diset tpcc tpcc_pass tpcc
diset tpcc tpcc_def_tab tpcctab
diset tpcc tpcc_def_temp tpcctemp
diset tpcc count_ware 4
diset tpcc num_vu 3
.... and driver script which runs on another machine in the same network:
dbset db ora
dbset bm TPROC-C
diset connection system_user system
diset connection system_password pass_of_sys
diset connection instance
diset tpcc tpcc_user tpcc
diset tpcc tpcc_pass tpcc
diset tpcc ora_driver timed
diset tpcc rampup 1
diset tpcc duration 1
diset tpcc checkpoint true
diset tpcc total_iterations 1000
diset tpcc allwarehouse true
vuset vu 3
vuset logtotemp 1
Every time first script creates tpcc user, both then executes several transactions and fails - even if to write 'diset connection instance', Oracle XE returns different errors, every time error is different:
- KPEDBG-...TLSORA-24550 and smth else.
Moreover, rampup period does not start. If in driver script in string 'diset tpcc total_iterations 1000' write more than 1000, or in 'diset tpcc duration 2' write more than 1 - driver script fails even with no transaction with the same error codes.... And of course I know about XE limitations.
So WHAT should I do to come over that task? Any ideas, please?((