The best way to do this is you create a query which has the data you want. Then you can decide what to insert and what to update.
If the profile id is not in CustomerProfile you want to insert a new row with a customerId, you don't say from where you get that customerId since all you have is a profileId??
The deficiency by which you specify your requirement is the reason why you don't find a solution. And nobody can help you because you don't say what you want. Suddenly inserting "cancer" somewhere makes it so much worse!
Nobody can answer your question because you don't say what you want. However, if we make some assumptions then the best we do is outline a direction which you can go.
Can we guess anything from your incomplete table schema?
CREATE TABLE CustomerProfile (
customerProfileId integer PRIMARY KEY,
customerId integer NULL,
profileId integer,
startDate datetime,
endDate datetime NULL
profileId integer
The way this is written there should be a Customer table and a Profile table
customerId integer PRIMARY KEY,
profileId integer PRIMARY KEY,
then your tables you did mention should be completed as:
CREATE TABLE CustomerProfile (
customerProfileId integer PRIMARY KEY,
customerId integer REFERENCES Customer(customerId),
profileId integer REFERENCES Profile(profileId),
startDate timestamp,
endDate timestamp
profileId integer REFERENCES Profile(profileId)
I first retained your customerId NULL non-constraint to give myself an out to not having to worry how I infer the customerId from a mere profileId when inserting. But then I figured might just complete your schema, to have it logical. This creates additional tasks to insert a new Customer and Profile row, I know how I can do that, but you didn't ask for it, so I won't do it.
So the above is just for me to get my head around what you want. You still haven't said it quite sufficiently.
I assume from your table that your relationship between Customer and Profile is many-to-many. And I doubt that. I think you have not really thought through your business data logic. But for what I am proposing it doesn't matter.
I am also not interested in SQL Server stuff, but I will use standard SQL (my database is PostgreSQL). If you don't think SQL (the language, not your software) you will not be a good database designer / programmer / administrator, whatever you want to call yourself.
In standard SQL "datetime" is called "timestamp" and the standard way to get the current timestamp is current_timestamp.
About your endDate you say:
If the id are not in the newData table the CustomerProfile table will be updated with a end date.
So when inserting into your table, I assume that startDate = current_timestamp and endDate = NULL.
Finally I assume that these ids are "sequences" but I will abstain from any sequence extension to any database and just determine the next value from
SELECT max(fooId) + 1 FROM Foo
where "Foo" may be Customer, Profile, or CustomerProfile.
With all these assumptions made, I begin, as I said, the way you should always begin. Write a SELECT which will give you the final desired table, or, here, I begin with the INSERT part:
INSERT INTO CustomerProfile(customerProfileId, customerId, profileId, startDate, endDate)
WITH DistinctNewProfileIds AS (
), MaxCustomerProfileId AS (
SELECT max(customerProfileId) AS maxCustomerProfileId
FROM CustomerProfile
), MaxCustomerId AS (
SELECT max(customerId) AS maxCustomerId
FROM Customer
), ProfileIdWithOrdinal AS (
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY profileId) AS ordinal,
FROM DistinctNewProfileIds
SELECT maxCustomerProfileId + ordinal AS customerProfileId,
maxCustomerId + ordinal AS customerId,
current_timestamp AS startDate,
NULL AS endDate
FROM ProfileIdWithOrdinal
CROSS JOIN MaxCustomerProfileId
Now the UPDATE. You seem to expect all profileIds which are still not ended to appear in your NewData every time. I initially understood you would extend the endDate every time you find the profileId in the NewData. It makes me wonder what happens if a profileId suddenly re-appears in the NewData after you already have missed it once and you added an endDate already? Are you supposed to wipe out the endDate with NULL again? You didn't ask for it, so I will not do it. But you haven't thought through your design if you don't consider that.
Here is the partition of your table which you update, after the update:
WITH DistinctNewProfileIds AS (
SELECT customerProfileId, customerId, profileId,
THEN current_timestamp
ELSE NULL END as endDate
FROM CustomerProfile cp
LEFT OUTER JOIN DistinctNewProfileIds p
ON(p.profileId = cp.profileId)
So here I actually would reset your endDate to NULL if the profileId re-appears. But the update anyway gets really simple:
UPDATE CustomerProfile
SET endDate = current_timestamp
WHERE profileId NOT IN (SELECT profileId FROM NewTable)
You run the UPDATE part first, then the INSERT. And you're done.
The best description of your requirement is a SELECT query which will make what you want. What you INSERT vs. UPDATE is then just a secondary issue. This is even more true if you had to also insert Customer and Profile rows to satisfy foreign key constraints. In PostgreSQL I do these things in a single query. In lesser databases like Oracle or MS SQL Server I guess you have to do multiple steps in a transaction.