We have a Firewalled storage account which has a few files that we need to access via Synapse notebook. We do that with below code :
abfss_path = f'abfss://[email protected]/data.csv'
df = spark.read.load(abfss_path, format='csv',header=True)
The managed identity and my user (objectid) for the Synapse workspace has ' Storage Blob Data Contributor' role on the storage account.
The below have been enabled:
- Allow Azure services on the trusted services list to access this storage account.
- Specify resource instances that will have access to your storage account based on their system-assigned managed identity.
Running the above code works from the pipeline with a synapse notebook task but fails when run from the studio through the notebook cell.
Error : Operation failed: "This request is not authorized to perform this operation.", 403
I have tried everything but can't get it to work.
Via Pipeline
Via Studio Notebook Cell
I can see AAD (pass through) takes precedence when running from studio, so I tried running the session as 'managed Identity'. This doesn't change anything and I keep getting same error.
How to get this working?
Note : I am not using the managed vnet in my synapse workspace.