I have configured 2 applications Database in single SQL Server 2017 .Whenever restart one application server the other application server connectivity also break down from DB and causes application shout down issue.
The below logs getting from one of the shout down server.
executeBatchUpdate - SQL Exception msg : java.net.SocketException: Connection reset executeBatchUpdate - SQL State : 08S01 executeBatchUpdate - SQL Error Code : 0 <-----------------executeBatchUpdate - Exception Info - End ---------> INFO JDBCService - Unable to free connection back to pool. Error: The connection is closed. WARN RecoverableDAO - Exception while setting the Auto commit level back to original setting. Message:The connection is closed. INFO JDBCService - Unable to free connection back to pool. Error: The connection is closed. WARN RecoverableDAO - Exception while setting the Auto commit level back to original setting. Message:The connection is closed. INFO JDBCService - Unable to free connection back to pool. Error: The connection is closed. WARN RecoverableDAO - Exception while setting the Auto commit level back to original setting. Message:The connection is closed. INFO JDBCService
- Unable to free connection back to pool. Error: The connection is closed. WARN RecoverableDAO - Exception while setting the Auto commit level back to original setting. Message:The connection is closed. INFO RecoverableDAO - <----------------- executeBatchUpdate - Exception Info - Begin --------> executeBatchUpdate - SQL cmd :UPDATE CC_SERVER SET DESCRIPTION = ?, LAST_CHECKIN = ?, MODIFICATION_DATE = ?, DISPLAY_NAME = ?, STATUS = ?, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = ?, LOCATION = ?, PROPERTIES = ?, STATUS_MESSAGE = ?, STATUS_MESSAGE_ID = ?, LAST_HEARTBEAT_EVENT = ?, HOST_NAME = ?, PORT = ?, SECURE_HOST_NAME = ?, SECURE_PORT = ?, TIMEZONE_ID = ?, USES_SNMP_TRAP = ?, MONITORED_SVR_REASSIGN_POLICY = ?, SERVER_OS = ?, SERVER_VERSION = ?, SERVER_BUILD_VERSION = ?, MODIFIED_BY = ?, NETMAP_NODE_ACCESS = ?, NETMAP_MODE_ACCESS = ?, NETMAP_COMMPATH_ACCESS = ?, INITPARMS_ACCESS = ?, USER_AUTH_ACCESS = ?, USER_PROXY_ACCESS = ?, TRANSLATE_TABLE_ACCESS = ?, SPLUS_KEYCERT_ACCESS = ?, SPLUS_TRUSTEDCERT_ACCESS = ?, SPLUS_CIPHER_ACCESS = ?, SPLUS_NODE_ACCESS = ?, SPLUS_PARMFILE_ACCESS = ?, MGMT_OBJECT_TYPES = ?, NODE_NAME = ?, NOT_MANAGED = ?, NOT_MONITORED = ?, IGNORE_SERVER_PROVIDED_TZ = ?, PROTOCOL = ?, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = ?, SECURE_PLUS_ENABLED = ?, SNMP_LISTENER_ADDRESS = ?, SNMP_LISTENER_PORT = ?, WEB_SERVICE_PORT = ?, METADATA_1 = ?, METADATA_2 = ?, METADATA_3 = ?, METADATA_4 = ?, METADATA_5 = ?, METADATA_6 = ?, METADATA_7 = ?, METADATA_8 = ?, METADATA_9 = ?, METADATA_10 = ? WHERE SERVER_ID = ? AND MODIFICATION_DATE = ? ([ServerToUpdate: EFX_UK_UAT_CDUNIX(204, READY) NotifyLocalListeners: true GenerateClusterEvent: false]) executeBatchUpdate - SQL Exception msg : java.net.SocketException: Connection reset executeBatchUpdate - SQL State : 08S01 executeBatchUpdate - SQL Error Code : 0 <-----------------executeBatchUpdate - Exception Info - End ---------> INFO JDBCService - Unable to free connection back to pool. Error: The connection is closed. WARN RecoverableDAO - Exception while setting the Auto commit level back to original setting. Message:The connection is closed. ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler - ** SQLExceptionShutdownHandler entered with sqlex=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler - ** Event not updated or details on what was being done when error occurred -> java.net.SocketException: Connection reset ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler - java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Stack Trace: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.terminate(SQLServerConnection.java:2924) ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler - ** sqlex not null, showing stack trace: ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler - ** About to broadcast CJDB026E, which will cause engine to shut down ... ERROR SCCEventHandler - CCTR089E Engine shutdown has been initiated ... [Thread-12661] INFO JettyServerStopper - Running UNIX/LINUX platform stopper script.../installdirectory/application/bin/stopWebAppServer.sh [StreamConsumerThread - CMD] INFO StreamConsumer - CMD OUT-->Web server is running...initiating shutdown... [ProcessSummary] INFO ConnectionPool - Created a new connection in pool default [StreamConsumerThread - CMD] INFO StreamConsumer - CMD OUT-->Exit code : 0 [StreamConsumerThread - CMD] INFO StreamConsumer - CMD OUT-->Web server is still running...will wait for 5 seconds(up to 15 times)... [StreamConsumerThread - CMD] INFO StreamConsumer - CMD OUT-->Web server has been stopped ...